David Green
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Staff Scientist II
David Green, PhD
David graduated from Brock University with a B.Sc. in Chemistry and went on to pursue a graduate career in medicinal inorganic chemistry at McMaster University (M.Sc.) and the University of British Columbia (Ph.D.). David has also been on the executive of the Canadian Association of Radiopharmaceutical Scientists since 2007. Prior to joining UHN, David was a Radiochemist at the British Columbia Cancer Agency (Vancouver Centre) and TRIUMF where he was responsible for the clinical production of radiopharmaceuticals. Specifically, he initiated the production of a number of leading positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracers for oncology and neurology applications, including FDG-PET EF5, FLT and FDOPA. At UHN, Dr. Green continued his research interests in the area of novel nuclear medicine tracer development, characterization and imaging. More recently, David led the design, construction and operation of the 5000 sf Cyclotron and Radiochemistry Facility at the University Health Network, located in Toronto General Hospital. Dr. Green’s ongoing efforts are focused on bringing novel and clinically relevant PET radiopharmaceuticals into research and clinical trials at UHN.